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Sparking momentum on ESG: healthtech spotlight

The final report in our ESG Ignite series, Sparking momentum on ESG highlights the enthusiasm of senior leaders and their innovative approaches across different sectors, including from the digital tech sector. Our report examines the obstacles they face in implementing strategic ideas and offers solutions to overcome these challenges.

Key points covered include:

  • Leaders believe in driving ESG
  • Transformation is not gaining traction quickly enough
  • Creating momentum is a priority
  • Innovation and Collaboration are key levers

The progress of environmental, social, and governance initiatives over the coming years is expected to be shaped by several key trends and challenges. While there are challenges, there is also significant momentum and innovation in the ESG space.

Evidence of impact is seen as being at the heart of success with leaders wanting to be able to prove the impact their organisation is having. Commenting on this issue, Ruth Poole, CEO at Preventx (the largest provider of remote sexual health tests in the UK) says:

“Social value and sustainability are key elements in public sector tenders carrying significant marks. Given our customer base it’s imperative for the business that we are doing the right thing. At an executive level, but also engaging with employees, our communities and how we operate.”

Top tips from our very own Neil Pearson include:

  • Live it everyday
  • Engage hearts and minds
  • Consider an ESG team
  • Think of ESG as a Top Trump category

We have also given examples of how ESG was embedded into our move int our new Birmingham office.

A big thank you to everyone who contributed to the report.

You can explore the full ESG Ignite series here and our earlier blog post here.

Hopefully these will help fire you up for the future too!

If you’d like to discuss any of these issues or find out how we can support, click here to visit our ESG webpage.


Jill Mason


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