Medical malpractice

Since 1989, we have been advising individual and organisational providers of healthcare and services allied to healthcare, and their respective insurers.

Our experience of the commercial and reputational risks facing our clients means we understand the complex and extensive statutory, regulatory, contractual and common law regimes affecting the world of healthcare clinical practice.

We deal with all manner of coverage and claims related issues arising from the provision of healthcare – from catastrophic injuries to surgical mishaps, misdiagnosis, diagnostic errors and healthcare systems failures.

We manage class actions, assist and reassure the professionals, mitigate the effect of brand damage and consider contractual indemnity arrangements.

We regularly advise and represent insurers in relation to policy coverage, especially around aggregation and co-insurance issues.

Our experience

Our experience includes:

  • Advising on the defence of group litigation and coverage issues arising from the supply or failure of products such as implants, mesh and stents.
  • The defence of claims involving failure to diagnose or delayed diagnosis.
  • Advising on the defence of clinical procedures and their causative impact on outcomes and recovery.
  • Forensic examination and defence of exaggerated quantum claims.
  • Advising and assisting on professional investigations and enquiries.
  • Coverage advice relating to multiple omissions of surgical techniques, failure to consent, liability of prior insurers, issues around non-disclosure, late notification, the impact of limit of indemnity and originating causes.

Get in touch

Our team of legal experts are here to support you.
Contact one of our lawyers today.

Our clients

Our clients are medical professionals, partnerships and corporate bodies, the public and independent health sectors, their insurers and brokers.

Our lawyers

Embedded in the healthcare sector, our lawyers have vast knowledge of the matrix of arrangements between public and independent sector healthcare provision, and clinical practice areas from which claims arise.