Sustainable supply chains and human rights

Helping you negotiate tenders and contracts that align with your sustainability goals and uphold ethical standards in your supply chain.

Procurement functions in both the public and private sectors are critical for setting and implementing ESG objectives in their tender documents and supply chain contracts. They monitor and manage contracts to ensure ongoing achievement of ESG objectives. Moreover, procurement functions can share and promote best practices on sustainability and human rights among different suppliers, as they have insight into the ESG activities across the supply chain.

We can assist you with creating ESG-focused tender specifications that communicate your business’s requirements to the suppliers. We can ensure that the contracts you sign include clear obligations on your suppliers on sustainability, human rights and labour standards. We can also help you design appropriate supply chain due diligence questionnaires that enable you to ask the right questions to your potential suppliers before awarding the contract. Furthermore, we'll support you in negotiating the contract terms to reflect your objectives in clear contractual obligations.

Our experience

  • Modern slavery due diligence questionnaires and supporting clients in assessing supplier responses
  • Anti-modern slavery policies and ethical labour policies
  • Supplier codes of conduct
  • Human rights policies
  • Conflict minerals risks in the supply chain
  • Supply chain contract terms that align with ESG objectives

Get in touch

Our team of legal experts are here to support you.
Contact one of our lawyers today.

Our clients

  • Gymshark
  • Advising a major UK housebuilder on modern slavery issues
  • Brigade Electronics plc

Our lawyers

Experts in supply chain contracting, from ITT stage through to contract award, negotiation and finalisation stage. The team has a wealth of experience in supply chain due diligence, particularly on ESG matters and supporting businesses in assessing  supplier questionnaire responses.

Key contacts

ESG Ignite

We explore the opportunities that an ESG-focused approach affords and that everything you do as an organisation has the potential not only to make a positive impact, but also to enhance your long-term sustainability environmentally, socially and financially as well.

ESG blog

Our blog brings you regular updates on the latest legal ESG issues and how they impact organisations, our people, our clients and the wider communities that we work with.

Talking ESG podcast

Explore ESG issues and how they impact Mills & Reeve as an organisation, our people, clients and the wider communities that we serve.